About asartech
We are an advanced engineering company, dedicated to research, design, development of high frequency electronic systems and extending their lifecycle.
Our company’s competencies are including, RF and Microwave, Communication Electronics, Naval and Air System Engineering and the capabilities are High Frequency Engineering, Analog and RF MW Electronic Design, Naval and Air Electronic System Integration, Integrated Logistics Support (ILS) including; Documentation, Configuration, Service, Integration, Verification, Test and Maintenance.

Our Vision
Our vision is to contribute to the technolojical advancement of our country in the global market by designing new generation electronic products.
Fundamental Principles
• Business ethics and loyalty to decent working principles are our indispensable tenets.
• High-tech focused working and giving priority to qualified talent and quality.
• Through solution-oriented works aiming customer satisfaction is our target of priority.
• Our aim is to create resources and produce added value for the customers and partners.

Our Mission
Our mission is to help increase the knowledge and expertise of our footprint by innovating new generation electronic solutions.
Value Proposition
ASARTECH Inc. offers and provides innovative solutions in RF and MW electronic sub-system and module research and development, design, manufacture, maintenance, sustainment, integrated logistic support and training areas with a solution partner approach, via aiming the launching of life-cycle management fundamentals.
ASARTECH Inc. trusts to the dynamism brought by its efficient organization, competent management and engineering staff with national and international naval and air electronics expertise. ASARTECH Inc. aims to contribute to the development of national and international defense industry by means of the above-mentioned core activities.
Get in Touch
Our Integrated Management PolicyOur company promises and guarantees to carry out its activities by prioritizing high quality, staying tech-focused, being environment friendly, and maintaining work-place health and safety in accordance with both national and international standards and sustainability policies.
Quality Management System – ISO 9001
We produce, administer, protect and consistently improve our quality management system.
Information Security Management – ISO 27001
We produce, administer, protect and consistently improve our quality management system.
Ministry of National Defense Facility Security Clearance and Person Security Certificate (FSCC) (NATO SECRET and NATIONAL SECRET)
Respect For Nature
We raise awareness for the reduction of pollution and protection of our habitat.
Continuous Improvement
We provide in-house training for the staff to adopt a total quality culture.
Environment Management System – ISO 14001
We promote the protection of limited natural resources, reusing and recycling as it’s our duty and responsibility for the environment.
Occupational Health And Safety Assessment – ISO 45001
We produce, administer, protect and consistently improve our quality management system.
Industrial Competency Assessment and Support Project (EYDEP) Certificate
Customer Satisfaction
We accept Customer Satisfaction as primary and constant goal and we strive to provide prompt, error-free service.
Trade Compliance
We pledge compliance to national and international rules and regulations, the sanctions of fellow membership institutes, customers and third parties involved